New Church Rituals
I have been serving as the pastor of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin for three years and one month. Bryn Mawr...

Community Building & Fellowship
Over the past ten years I have reflected pretty extensively on my childhood. I have reviewed many of my childhood experiences and the...

Dialogue Vs. Debate
There has been serious, serious racial and ethnic tension in our great country since before the United States declared independence in...

Grace Greater than Our Sin
Mental health is a topic which sadly the Christian Church has not embraced whole heartedly over it’s history. Often times we members of...

Contradictions drive me nutty! This has been especially true for me as of late. I’m working on putting together a sermon series and the...

Why Are the Ten Commandments So Important?
In this blog series I’ve been addressing some of what I have observed to be hot button topics regarding Christianity. The Ten...

Time Is Ticking Away
Have you ever had someone say one of these phrases to you? “Maybe it wasn’t God’s timing.” “All in good time.” “God has a plan for...

Are All Welcome?
As Bryn Mawr begins this weekly blog posting series, admittedly there will be some breaks in the series. My goal with this blog is to...

Now What?
Well today is the third day after Easter and we are now in the Easter Season. We’ve come through Holy Week as we walked the path which...

Why is the Cross So Important to Christians?
I had the good or ill fortune, depending on your opinion and perspective, of growing up in a family which attended church every week. My...